When you’re getting started in entertainment, you’re nervous, you’re excited, and you’re eager to land that first great opportunity. You’ve got stars in your e...
We are so excited to share this opportunity with everyone! One of our Texas talent Jonavon Jones was recently selected to audition for a Public Service Announ...
Heather is a very talented individual. She joined Nine9 at the age of 5. Within two weeks of joining, Heather was cast in a Ford commercial. Since then Heather ...
When you’re just getting started in the entertainment industry, you’ll quickly notice a whole host of insider terms get thrown every which way, and you may or m...
Our Atlanta talent were recently contacted to be featured extras in the movie "Poms'. Talent will be featured as background extras with shooting starting on J...
When you’ve chosen to follow your dreams, the journey always seems easier in your head. You’ll get out there, get bruised and beaten, and have to get back up. ...
When you’re hoping to land a part, there are a ton of things that you can do right, and there are equally as many things that you can do wrong. Here are some b...
We recently had the amazing opportunity to submit over 50 of our New York City kids to a promotional opportunity with skincare company Rodan & Fields. T...
It’s natural to be nervous before being called back to audition or taking the stage. When you get that dreaded lump in your throat or sweaty palms, it’s also n...
Three of our Houston models have been booked to appear on the morning show Houston Life. Houston Life for the latest lifestyle news in Houston, Texas, from ...