You can be a wonderful actor, but not so well-versed in documenting your work, or in finding gigs, or auditioning. Not every talented entertainer is a jack of all trades. And, while it may seem overwhelming at first – and, like there is so much more to this than you originally anticipated – fear not. The important thing is to stick with your craft, hone it, and not give up.
As you move through the motions and get more and more used to industry expectations, taking mental notes of things you’ll need to work on in order to be successful is key. If you don’t understand a certain industry-specific term or an expected way of doing things, start researching. You can watch videos or read blogs on how to market yourself, ace an audition, excel at certain roles, master specific looks, etc. And, of course, practice makes perfect. So, if you have an opportunity to participate in an event, seminar, workshop, or class on an area of entertainment you need to know more about, jump at the opportunity. First-hand experience is a great way to see what others are doing right and how you can apply their examples to your own work.
If you enjoy both acting and modeling, great. But, make sure you have a solid working understanding of which route to take so you can focus on pursuing specific steps. You can always consider commercial modeling and acting which provides for a fun and exciting hybrid career path. Attend all go-sees and auditions you can and see where you’re realizing the most success. This should be where you focus your energy. You can always transition once you get a solid footing in one area and a few credits under your belt.
Of course, you should be willing to challenge yourself and expand upon all areas of interest. If more than one route is appealing, don’t be afraid to venture outside your comfort zone so you can practice while landing gigs in your stronger suit until you’ve perfected that path. Above all, know your strengths and weaknesses and be willing to work on certain areas that will help you to grow and achieve your goals.
Entertainment consists of a delicate balance between pursuing your natural talents while continuing to learn, adapt, and grow. If you have a hungry heart and know this is the path you were destined to take, that in itself is a necessary first step toward success. Rest assured, everything else will follow in time!