Before you embark on a career in the world of modeling, it is important to prepare. You must not only prepare yourself physically, but mentally. It is important to understand exactly what you’re getting yourself into, and when you book a gig, to truly feel ready for it. You can have the right look down, but if you don’t feel prepared mentally, the gig is bound to flop. So how to you ensure you’re in the right head space ahead of time? Travis Curry Photography offers a few tips.
Make a checklist. At least a couple of days prior to a shoot, right down everything you anticipate having to bring with you. Sometimes your client will let you know what’s required, sometimes not. You may be given essentials but need to bring along some extras as well.
There are a few standard items you’ll want to make sure you have in your bag, such as a hairbrush, hairspray, touch-up makeup, a non-messy snack and a bottle of water. You’ll also want to keep your portfolio handy. Packing prior to the big day is a must.
It can also be helpful to engage in some self-care the night before. Run yourself a bath. Listen to your favorite music. And, always make sure to get enough sleep so you’re well-rested for the big day. Many models and other performers have found laughter to be the best medicine for calming nerves. Watch stand-up or a comedic movie the night before or listen to comedy on the radio during your drive.
It’s true, we are our own worst critics. Sometimes, feeling prepared mentally simply takes a bit of self-encouragement. Visualize yourself nailing poses and being confident in front of the camera before the shoot begins and chances are you’ll carry out your intentions.
Above all, trust the photographer you’re working with while also listening to your gut. Professional photographers understand how models should pose in order to create the best images. However, if you don’t feel comfortable with some of the suggestions, speak up. You also know yourself best and probably have a solid understanding of what will work and what won’t.
Always remember to stay relaxed and have fun. Not everyone gets the opportunity to shine in front of the camera for a living. You should be excited about booking a gig! This means you’re realizing your dreams in a tangible way and building your resume to ensure more opportunities come your way. Take a deep breath and remember to smile!