If you’re hitting the gym to slim down or get into shape for a new role or simply hoping to maintain your appearance for your modeling career, you may be picking up some germs in unexpected ways. The last thing you want is to have to reschedule a shoot because you’re sick. Here are a few ways to avoid getting under the weather without having to stay home altogether, according to MeMD.
Wipe Down the Equipment
It almost goes without saying – you’ll pick up the most yuckiness from the machines that are used by who knows how much gym-goers on a daily basis. Bring a container of wipes or a personal towel with you so you can wipe everything down before you step on it. Remember to swipe clean hand weights and other free-standing workout aids as well.
Keep Hand Sanitizer Handy
Another way to ward off germs is to apply sanitizer immediately after you leave the gym floor. Keep it on you at all times in a waist pack or small backpack and apply to your hands. You may even opt to use some when you transition to each new area.
Change as Soon as Possible
In order to avoid breaking out, acquiring an infection, or getting an all over rash, you’ll want to change out of your sweaty gym wear as soon as you can. Either pack a bag of clean clothes and shower in the locker room as soon as you’re done, or make sure to take a shower and the switch out your attire as soon as you get back home. Throw your gym wear in the wash right away, too.
Wear sandals
Speaking of the locker room showers, you’ll want to bring along a pair of flip flops if you choose to go this route. Public showers are prone to developing mildew and fungus that can easily be transitioned onto the skin. To avoid athlete’s foot, always protect your feet.
Wash your hands
Even if you’ve applied sanitizer, it’s important to wash your hands as soon as you get home. This should be a rule of thumb whenever you return from being out and about to avoid bringing home unwanted germs. Make it a habit to scrub your hands if you can’t shower right away. This is the best way to protect your immune system.
Taking a few precautions during and after your gym visit will make sure you stay healthy while you’re keeping your physical appearance on point. This way, you can maximize the benefits of your workout all year round.